We offer a variety of methods to contact us.
This page is all about getting in contact with us .cell phones are on 24/7, if the one number doesn't work please try the alternate one. we also offer alternatives for e.g.: What's app or SMS or just send us a brief message. There is also a Contact form you can use
There is one other away to contact us its a direct e-mail to booking@hourlyrooms.co.za .
When booking in advance please supply us with the following info: date, time, how long you would like to stay and what room or cottage you prefer and your name e.g. "Monday 25 december 5:30pm Room 5 ,3 hrs Peggy."
Room one is situated at the the back of the house just thru the white steel gate by the laundry ,it has a window that opens onto the driveway and now also boasts a outside door and a air conditioning ,now you no longer have to go thru the house to get to this room. This room boasts a queen size bed for all the space you require .The small couch is the perfect place to contemplate the meaning of life .Room one is the only room to show off with a small en suite bathroom with basin to fix your hair and splash your face and a shower to freshen up in the detachable shower handle is ideal for those hard to reach places. (eg your freinds back).The room is serviced with clean towels and linen after every guest. the room has a small tv .This is strictly a non smoking room.